

Suna Jo, Erin Pearson, Donghoon Yoon, Jungkwun Kim, Won Min Park, “Self-assembly of microstructured protein coatings with programmable functionality for fluorescent biosensorsACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 16, 46, 63284–63294, (2024).

Changyang Linghu, Bobae An, Monika Shpokayte, Orhan T. Celiker, Nava Shmoel, Ruihan Zhang, Chi Zhang, Demian Park, Won Min Park, Steve Ramirez, Edward S Boyden, “Recording of cellular physiological histories along optically readable self-assembling protein chainsNature Biotech. 41, 640–651, (2023).

Jun Ying Tan, Yuankai Li, Faraz Chamani, Aabila Tharzeen, Punit Prakash, Balasubramaniam Natarajan, Rahul A Sheth, Won Min Park, Albert Kim, Donghoon Yoon, Jungkwun Kim, "Experimental Validation of Diffraction Lithography for Fabrication of Solid Microneedles" Materials 15 (24), 8934, (2022).

Ratnakshi Mandal, Mostafa Bedewy, Won Min Park, “Coiled-coil protein origami nanostructure modeling for improved characterization and predictionMol. Syst. Des. Eng. 7, 725-732 (2022).

Changyang Linghu, Shannon L. Johnson, Pablo A. Valdes, Or A. Shemesh, Won Min Park, Demian Park, Kiryl D. Piatkevich, Asmamaw T. Wassie, Yixi Liu, Bobae An, Stephanie A. Barnes, Orhan T. Celiker, Chun-Chen Yao, Chih-Chieh (Jay) Yu, Ru Wang, Katarzyna P. Adamala, Mark F. Bear, Amy E. Keating, Edward S. Boyden, “Spatial multiplexing of fluorescent reporters for dynamic imaging of signal transduction networksCell 183 (6), 1682-1698, (2020).

Or A. Shemesh, Changyang Linghu, Kiryl D. Piatkevich, Daniel Goodwin, Orhan Tunc Celiker, Howard J. Gritton, Michael F. Romano, Ruixuan Gao, Chih-Chieh (Jay) Yu, Hua-an Tseng, Seth Bensussen, Sujatha Narayan, Chao-Tsung Yang, Limor Freifeld, Cody A. Siciliano, Ishan Gupta, Nikita Pak, Young-Gyu Yoon, Jeremy F.P. Ullmann, Burcu Guner-Ataman, Habiba Noamany, Zoe R. Sheinkopf, Won Min Park, Shoh Asano, Amy E. Keating, James S. Trimmer, Jacob Reimer, Andreas Tolias, Mark F. Bear, Kay M. Tye, Xue Han, Misha B. Ahrens, Edward S. Boyden, “Precision calcium imaging of dense neural populations via a cell-body-targeted calcium indicatorNeuron 107 (3), 470-486, (2020). 

Won Min Park, “Coiled coils: the molecular zippers that self-assemble protein nanostructures Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21(10), 3584, (2020).

Won Min Park, Mostafa Bedewy, Karl K. Berggren, Amy E. Keating, “Modular assembly of a protein nanotriangle using orthogonally interacting coiled coilsSci. Rep. 7, 10577, (2017).

Won Min Park and Julie A. Champion, “Colloidal assembly of hierarchically structured porous supraparticles from flower-shaped protein-inorganic hybrid nanoparticlesACS Nano 10, 8271−8280, (2016).

Won Min Park, Christine M. Yee, and Julie A. Champion, “Self-assembled hybrid supraparticles that proteolytically degrade tumor necrosis factor- α J. Mater. Chem. B 4, 1633 – 1639, (2016).

Won Min Park and Julie A. Champion, “Thermally triggered self-assembly of folded proteins into vesiclesJ. Am. Chem. Soc. 136, 17906–17909, (2014).

Won Min Park and Julie A. Champion, “Two-step protein self-assembly in the extracellular matrixAngew. Chem. Int. Ed. 52, 8098–8101, (2013).

Won Min Park, Bong Gill Choi, Yun Suk Huh, Sang Yup Lee, Won Hi Hong, Tae Jung Park, “Facile functionalization of colloidal gold nanorods by the specific binding of an engineered protein that is preferred over CTAB bilayersChemPlusChem 78, 48–51, (2013).

Won Min Park, Yun Suk Huh, and Won Hi Hong, “Aspect-ratio-controlled synthesis of high-aspect-ratio gold nanorods in high-yieldCurr. Appl. Phys. 9, e140–e143, (2009).

Theses, Dissertations, and Reports

Suna Jo, “Engineering protein self-assembly for biosensing applicationsPhD Dissertation, Kansas State University (2024).

Ratnakshi Mandal, Prediction and improved characterization of coiled-coil protein origami nanostructures by comparative modelingMS Report, Kansas State University (2022).

Cover Art

MSDE 2022

Cell 2020